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Grof Studies: Stanislav Grof’s Research in Deep and Effective Psychedelic Therapy and Self-Exploration

Eight-week course

With Renn Butler, PhD, Jay Dufrechou, PhD, Mari Castle, PhD, and guest presenters

Video recordings of this class are now available for $245 USD.


​​This course is open to laypersons and professionals seeking to learn more about Stanislav Grof's research and discoveries.

No paper writing is required for non-academic students.


For students in the Ubiquity University Grof Studies program degree - 2 academic credits. 

(Paper writing requirements for graduate students: Master's program 10-15 pages - PhD program 20-25 pages)




This online course explores the groundbreaking research of Stanislav Grof, considered by many to be the world’s foremost authority on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and therapeutic breathwork.


Over his career spanning almost seven decades, Grof made many fundamental discoveries into the deeper structures and therapeutic mechanisms in the human psyche. He realized that a purely biographical model of the psyche (i.e., an exclusive focus on events from infancy to the present) was inadequate to account for the range of inner material encountered in sessions of psychedelic therapy.


Grof proposed two additional domains of the human unconscious: the perinatal layer, which centers on a reliving of the stages of biological delivery along powerful encounters with death and impermanence; and the transpersonal realms, which include verifiable experiences which transcend the usual boundaries of time, space, or of the phenomenal world as we know it altogether. Carl Gustav Jung documented many, though not all, of these transpersonal realms of the collective psyche.


This course will explore Grof’s pivotal contributions in the context of the larger history and field of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. We will review his expanded cartography of the human psyche, the architecture of emotional and psychosomatic disorders and effective mechanisms for healing them. We will explore Stan and Christina Grof’s understanding of “spiritual emergency”: spontaneous eruptions of unconscious contents which, when supported, can lead to profound healing and transformation. We will discuss the Grofs’ development of the technique of holotropic breathwork, which he now refers to as Grof® Breathwork, a non-drug substitute for his early psychedelic research.


We will introduce the profound discoveries of Richard Tarnas into the correlation between planetary alignments and the activation of perinatal and transpersonal material in psychedelic healing sessions. Grof and Tarnas consider this emerging new field of archetypal astrology to function as a “Rosetta Stone of the psyche.” Finally, we will explore the powerful congruence between the world’s great mystical traditions and observations from psychedelic and holotropic research into the ultimate structure of the cosmos, examining questions such as “What is the meaning and purpose of life?” “Could our universe have evolved from random, purely physical processes or might it have been created by a higher cosmic intelligence?” and “And if there is a cosmic creative principle, what is our relationship to it?”


At the core of Grof’s lifework is the revaluation and reintroduction of what he calls holotropic (“moving toward wholeness”) states of consciousness into human civilization. These states have played a central, highly valued role in all non-Western and preindustrial societies, such as in the practices of shamanism, the rites of passage, aboriginal healing rituals, and mystery schools of the Mediterranean.


We hope you can join us for this special online course in Grof’s research co-sponsored by Ubiquity University and Grof Legacy Training International.


Class One (October 20) - The Inner Healer - Renn Butler and Jay Dufrechou

Stanislav and Brigitte Grof will greet the class. We will talk about the structure of the course and review the current state of psychedelic research around the world. We will introduce the fundamental element in Grof’s understanding of the psyche: the liberating direction of our own inner healer or self-healing intelligence.


Class Two (October 27) - Grof’s Expanded Cartography of the Human Psyche - Renn Butler

We will explore the principles of set (therapeutic, mystical, recreational, etc.) and setting in safe and effective psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Through an evocative slideshow, we will then review Grof’s expanded cartography of the psyche: the biographical, perinatal, and transpersonal layers of the unconscious which emerge routinely in experiential sessions.


Class Three (November 3) - Grof® Breathwork - Mari Castle, Amy Burrell, and John Stockberger

We will talk about this powerful non-drug technique for entering holotropic states, developed by Stan and Christina Grof, which uses deep and rapid breathing, evocative music, focused bodywork, and mandala drawing in a supportive group setting. A stand-alone process for deep self-exploration, it is also an excellent way to prepare for and integrate psychedelic experiences. *Note: We will be taking breaks on October 13 and 20, for our Grof Breathwork, Archetypal Astrology, and Visits to Sacred Sites workshop in Greece (October 13-20).


Class Four (November 10) - Archetypal and Holotropic Astrology - Renn Butler and guest faculty TBA

We will introduce Richard Tarnas’ approach to archetypal astrology, including his research into the correlations between planetary alignments and the activation of inner material in sessions of psychedelic therapy and breathwork. We will then review the most important world transits activated in the collective psyche from 1960 to the present time.


Class Recordings Also Part of the Course


#1 - The Architecture of Emotional and Psychosomatic Disorders - Renn Butler (based on Grof's work)

I look at how the powerful uncovering effect of psychedelic substances combined with Grof’s expanded cartography can shed light on the deepest roots of phobias, obsessive-compulsive neuroses, depression, suicidal behavior, sexual dysfunctions, psychosomatic diseases, and psychoses. I also review Grof's insights and discoveries into the perinatal sources of greed and aggression. Many aspects of the characteristic symptomatology of the above disorders can be explained from a combination of biographical, perinatal, and transpersonal elements. This new understanding also has important implications for the therapy for these conditions.


#2 - Effective Therapeutic Mechanisms, Therapeutic Potential, Problems, and Interventions - Renn Butler (based on Grof's work)

We will review insights from psychedelic therapy and breathwork regarding the powerful therapeutic mechanisms which emerge in holotropic and psychedelic states, the potential resolution of symptoms, and several major types of problems during the course of treatment with their effective interventions. These problems include the experience of choking and of pressure on the chest; experience of muscular tensions and spasms; problems related to blockages in the genital area, sex, and nudity; overactive, erratic, and aggressive behavior; working with demonic energy; excessive self-control and inability to let go; working with nausea and tendencies to vomit; standing and dancing in sessions; and reliving the memory of biological birth. We will also talk about how our own inner work can help to heal the collective psyche of humanity.


#3 - Spiritual Emergency: The Understanding and Treatment of Crises of Transformation - Jay Dufrechou, Mari Castle, and Renn Butler

We will discuss a large and important group of spontaneous holotropic experiences that mainstream psychiatry diagnoses and treats as manifestations of serious mental illness. Stan and Christina Grof discovered that if these conditions are correctly understood and properly supported, they have extraordinary therapeutic, transformative, heuristic, and even evolutionary potential. We will review the phenomenology, the triggers, the differential diagnosis, and the therapy for these conditions. We will also briefly discuss the various forms that spiritual emergency can take, including shamanic initiatory crisis, the activation of Kundalini, Abraham Maslow’s “peak experience,” John Perry’s renewal process by descent to the Central Archetype, problems with past life memories, crisis of psychic opening, possession states, and others. We will also review the importance of ethics in psychedelic and holotropic work.


#4 - The Cosmic Game - Renn Butler (based on Grof's work)

We will explore how the insights from psychedelic and holotropic sessions concerning the fundamental character and motivations of the cosmic creative principle are corroborated in the writings of the world’s great mystical traditions. Based on Grof’s book, The Cosmic Game (1998).


We hope you can join us for this very special course in Stan Grof's breakthrough discoveries.

$245 USD for all eight class recordings.​



22-Week Course in Archetypal and Holotropic Astrology - with Renn Butler, PhD

Starts Saturday, September 28, 2024 at Noon Pacific time

This in-depth course explores the groundbreaking work of Stanislav Grof and Richard Tarnas, and my own research of more than four decades.

For information or to register:


The Power of Myth and Archetype - with Mari Castle, PhD

4-week course beginning November 5, 2024 (2 pm EST)

For information or to register:


The Holotropic World View: Avenues for Personal and Collective Healing

8-week online course beginning February 16, 2025 (Noon-1:45 pm Pacific time)

With Renn Butler, PhD and staff TBA


This course is open to laypersons and professionals seeking to learn more about Stanislav Grof's research and discoveries, with a special focus on supporting clients in psychedelic sessions. We will also talk about how Grof's discoveries are confirmed by the most recent developments in modern science.

No paper writing is required for non-academic students.


For students in the Ubiquity University Grof Studies degree program - 2 academic credits. 

(Paper writing requirements for graduate students: Master's program 10-15 pages - PhD program 20-25 pages)


$225 USD


For more info email:


This online participatory course will explore in greater depth important issues of set and setting, critical situations in sessions and their effective interventions, long-term positive changes and healing of emotional and psychosomatic issues, effective therapeutic mechanisms on various levels of the psyche, the uses of archetypal and holotropic astrology, consciousness research and the new paradigm in science, the field of psychohistory, and insights of the mystics into the nature of the cosmic game.


Class One (February 16) - Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy - Renn Butler and staff TBA

People will have a chance to introduce themselves and their work. After talking about the structure of the class, we will review the history of psychedelic therapy. We will also talk about the similarities and differences between psychedelic medicines - ketamine, MDMA, psilocybin, and LSD - and how they can be used safely and effectively. 


Class Two (February 23) - Consciousness Research and the New Paradigm in Science - William Keepin, PhD

William will present fascinating examples from modern science which suggest the universe is ensouled with higher consciousness, purpose, and meaning.


Class Three (March 2) - Pathways to Wholeness - Renn Butler and staff TBA

We will review the potential of archetypal and holotropic astrology in helping us to choose good days for healing sessions, to understand the content that emerges, and to integrate it afterward. We will also look at the basic principles of holotropic dreamwork. We will also discuss Joseph Campbell's concept of the hero's journey - an inner process that both women and men undergo - and its parallels with Grof's perinatal sequence. Suggested but optional reading: Pathways to Wholeness: Archetypal Astrology and the Transpersonal Journey (2014) by Renn Butler.


Class Four (March 9) - Introduction to Psychohistory

I will introduce the field of psychohistory and examples of how Grof's discovery of the perinatal matrices can help us to illuminate and understand common psychological projections in modern society, especially violent mass movements inspired by demagogues. We will also review the insights from Grof's research which suggest that our personal healing can benefit the collective healing of humanity.


Class Recordings Also Part of the Course


#1 - Critical Variables in Psychedelic Therapy, Principles of Successful Psychedelic Therapy, Complications, and Interventions - Renn Butler

I talk about the pharmacological effects of psychedelics, the personality of the subject and therapist, and important issues of set and setting, including preparation and integration. I also review the advantages and drawbacks of the psycholytic (low-dose) versus psychedelic (higher-dose) approaches to therapy. Finally, I review physical and emotional contraindications, critical situations in sessions, adverse aftereffects, and prevention and management of complications in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. From Grof's classic, LSD Psychotherapy - though these insights and discoveries can be applied to safe and effective work with all psychedelics.


#2 - The Course of Psychedelic Therapy Sessions, Therapeutic Potential, Clinical Results, and Effective Therapeutic Mechanisms Renn Butler

I review Grof's discoveries around changes in the content of psychedelic sessions, emotional and psychosomatic changes in the post-session intervals, and long-term changes in the personality structure, world view, and hierarchy of basic values. I talk about his clinical results in the treatment of depression, neuroses and psychosomatic symptoms, alcoholism and drug addiction, character disorders, borderline personality, endogenous psychoses, and the emotional distress and physical pain of dying individuals. I review the various therapeutic mechanisms in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, including intensification of conventional therapeutic mechanisms, changes in the dynamics of the governing memory systems in the psyche, and therapeutic effects of death-rebirth and transpersonal experiences.

Finally, I present Grof's and others' research on the benefits of psychedelic sessions for training professionals, for artistic inspiration, for problem solving, for religious and mystical experiences, and for personal growth. From Grof's classic, LSD Psychotherapy - though these insights and discoveries can be applied to safe and effective work with all psychedelics.


#3 - The Cosmic Game - Renn Butler

I explore ways in which the insights from psychedelic and holotropic sessions concerning the fundamental character and motivations of the cosmic creative principle are corroborated in the writings of the world’s great mystical traditions. Based on Grof’s book, The Cosmic Game (1998).


#4 - Science and the Akashic Field - Renn Butler and Mari Castle

I discuss Irvin Laszlos’ classic, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (2007). Grof considers Laszlo to be his mentor and emphasizes that Laszlo is the first and, so far, only theoretician to successfully connect all the important dots: integrating the various anomalous phenomena from science and consciousness research into a comprehensive new paradigm.


We hope you can join us for this special course in the breakthrough discoveries of Stan Grof and other researchers, and their corroborations in modern science.

$225 USD 


For more info, please email:

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